AWomen from the Gerehu congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints received training on the Self Reliance Program to commemorate the 174th anniversary of the Relief Society, one one of the largest women's organisations in the world.
More than 20 women attend the training facilitated by the Gerehu District Self Reliance Program Specialists, Emily Gonapa and Morris Mesu.
The training provided an overview of the resource materials provided by the Church for members to participate in. Meetings are held in small groups organised at their local meeting houses. The resource materials reviewed included the My Path, My Foundation, Starting and Growing my Business, My Job Search, and Education for Better Work.
Some of the women who are already participating in the program took some time to share their experiences of some of their successes, including learning how to grow their own business.
There was a lot of interest shown by the women. Gerehu District Relief Society leader, Anna Kwalimu said of the training, “I felt it was a good training. I think we should introduce this program within the four congregations for the Relief Society members to learn and be skilful in opportunities they have to help sustain their families as well as further their education.”
Having recently been rolled out in Papua New Guinea, the self reliance program is being implemented in other countries throughout the world.